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Speaker's Corner!

Speaker’s Corner!

">Julia Levine | June/July Speakers Corner | No Comments

We were very pleased to wel­come Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al Chief Oper­at­ing Offi­cer, Jeff Oat­ess as our spe­cial guest speak­er this evening. Jeff pre­sent­ed us with an overview of Kiwa­nis as it cur­rent­ly deals with the pan­dem­ic. Past Inter­na­tion­al Pres­i­dent and our EOT sage, Jim Rochford, had the priv­i­lege to intro­duce Jeff to meet­ing par­tic­i­pants. He expressed […]

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Speaker’s Corner!

">Julia Levine | May Speaker's Corner | No Comments

We were very pleased to hear from five mem­bers of our Eye of Tiger e‑Club who are will­ing to vol­un­teer their time to help guide our orga­ni­za­tion. We wish each of them the best of luck in this unusu­al elec­tion year. Each can­di­date has more infor­ma­tion about them­self on the Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al Elec­tion page and […]

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Speaker’s Corner!

">Julia Levine | April Speaker's Corner | No Comments

We were very pleased to hear from two mem­bers of our Eye of Tiger e‑Club. Brit­tany Love is from the Car­oli­nas, Kiwa­nis Uptown Club. Her expe­ri­ences includ­ed being a youth group leader at school, a for­mer SLP mem­ber, a teacher and a grad­u­ate from law school. In addi­tion, Brit­tany jumped at the chance to be […]

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A Book Bonanza!

">Julia Levine | Book Bonanza!Uncategorized | 1 Comment

The Kiwa­nis Club of Strath­more and the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis Club have part­nered togeth­er for a book drop/donation ser­vice project, serv­ing the third grade class­es at Strath­more Ele­men­tary school. The stu­dents will receive a book a week for three weeks. At our EOT club meet­ing, a com­mit­tee was formed to cre­ate objec­tives and parameters […]

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Tiger News!

">Julia Levine | April Tiger News | No Comments

There were 36 mem­bers present on their com­put­ers or phones for our Kiwa­nis Eye of the Tiger e‑club meet­ing held on the evening of April 16th. From Cal­i­for­nia to Jamaica, Ontario to Flori­da, our club of 56 mem­bers strong enjoyed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect once again. With every area of the world con­fronting the current […]

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A Book Bonanza!

">Julia Levine | February Service | No Comments

Many of you have asked for infor­ma­tion about order­ing books to dis­trib­ute to your local schools. Doug Chad­wick has kind­ly shared the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion. The aver­age retail costs of these books are approx­i­mate­ly $10 each. They are not Scholas­tic Books but are from pub­lish­ers like Dis­ney and Houghton and Mif­flin. We can­not source spe­cif­ic titles as we […]

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Tiger News!

">Julia Levine | February Tiger News | No Comments

There were 23 Mem­bers present on our EOT con­fer­ence call held on Jan­u­ary 16th. We are look­ing for­ward to our next con­fer­ence call when our Cal-Nev-Ha Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nor for Divi­sion 18, Ramon Rivera, will be our guest speak­er. Speak­ing of speakers…PIP Jim Rochford gave a rous­ing mem­ber­ship speech to a packed house at the Kiwanis […]

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

">Julia Levine | February President | No Comments

I hope that you had a won­der­ful Jan­u­ary and sur­vived the win­ter weath­er if you live where it is cold and snowy or enjoyed the warmth if you live where it is warm and sun­ny. I am wish­ing you a joy­ful Valentine’s Day ahead! Spring is just around the cor­ner; Punx­sutawney Phil, the weath­­er-pre­­dic­t­ing ground­hog from […]

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Tiger News!

">Julia Levine | January Tiger News | No Comments

Our Eye of the Tiger meet­ing was held on Decem­ber 19th at 7 p.m. East­ern Stan­dard time. Thir­teen mem­bers were able to attend dur­ing this busy hol­i­day time of the year. They were warm­ly wel­comed by our Pres­i­dent Barb Thomp­son. She expressed her sin­cere appre­ci­a­tion for those who were able to attend and to those […]

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">Julia Levine | January President | No Comments

Dear Fel­low Mem­bers of the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis Club, Hap­py New Year! I hope that you enjoyed and cel­e­brat­ed your Decem­ber hol­i­day and new year with time with friends and fam­i­ly. New year, new ener­gy, new mem­bers, new clubs! Now it is 2020—a new cal­en­dar year and one-fourth of the way through the 2019–20 Kiwa­nis year. […]

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