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A Spring of Hope!

A Spring of Hope!

">Julia Levine | April President's message | 2 Comments

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….it was the sea­son of Light, it was the sea­son of Dark­ness, it was the spring of hope, it was the win­ter of despair.” These famous words from Charles Dick­ens’ open­ing para­graph of A Tale of Two Cities were writ­ten in 1859 about conditions […]

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Speaker’s Corner!

">Julia Levine | April Speaker's Corner | No Comments

We were very pleased to hear from two mem­bers of our Eye of Tiger e‑Club. Brit­tany Love is from the Car­oli­nas, Kiwa­nis Uptown Club. Her expe­ri­ences includ­ed being a youth group leader at school, a for­mer SLP mem­ber, a teacher and a grad­u­ate from law school. In addi­tion, Brit­tany jumped at the chance to be […]

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A Book Bonanza!

">Julia Levine | Book Bonanza!Uncategorized | 1 Comment

The Kiwa­nis Club of Strath­more and the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis Club have part­nered togeth­er for a book drop/donation ser­vice project, serv­ing the third grade class­es at Strath­more Ele­men­tary school. The stu­dents will receive a book a week for three weeks. At our EOT club meet­ing, a com­mit­tee was formed to cre­ate objec­tives and parameters […]

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Tiger News!

">Julia Levine | April Tiger News | No Comments

There were 36 mem­bers present on their com­put­ers or phones for our Kiwa­nis Eye of the Tiger e‑club meet­ing held on the evening of April 16th. From Cal­i­for­nia to Jamaica, Ontario to Flori­da, our club of 56 mem­bers strong enjoyed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect once again. With every area of the world con­fronting the current […]

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Each of us is strug­gling with stay at home orders. Chil­dren are as well. Par­ents and grand­par­ents may be deal­ing with chil­dren that are lone­ly, bored or unhap­py. The book I am rec­om­mend­ing this month is 100 Things That Make Me Hap­py writ­ten by Amy Schwartz. It is most suit­able for the young ones, ages […]

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