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Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

">Julia Levine | From the President's DeskNovember | No Comments

Greet­ings, Fel­low (e)Tigers, Wel­come to the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis Club for the 2019–20 Kiwa­nis year. Thank you to return­ing mem­bers for the part that you played in open­ing 434 new clubs in the 2018–19 Kiwa­nis year and 411 new clubs in the 2017–18 Kiwa­nis year and also achiev­ing net growth in that year. […]

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There are many pos­si­ble projects that we can under­take with­in our com­mu­ni­ties to help make a dif­fer­ence in the lives of fam­i­lies. This is a great space for your ideas to be shared with oth­ers so please send me your suc­cess­ful project ini­tia­tives with a pic­ture if pos­si­ble to: jlevine@docpc.com. Ide­al­ly, projects should be simple […]

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