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Project Possibilities!

Project Possibilities!

There are many pos­si­ble projects that we can under­take with­in our com­mu­ni­ties to help make a dif­fer­ence in the lives of fam­i­lies. This is a great space for your ideas to be shared with oth­ers so please send me your suc­cess­ful project ini­tia­tives with a pic­ture if pos­si­ble to: jlevine@docpc.com. Ide­al­ly, projects should be sim­ple enough for an indi­vid­ual to exe­cute and require lit­tle in the way of cap­i­tal to execute.

The idea I will share with you this month is some­thing I call  A Birth­day in a Bag. As a par­ent and grand­par­ent, I know that a child’s birth­day is a very spe­cial event in their life. For strug­gling fam­i­lies, a par­ent often may not have the resources to pro­vide that extra some­thing on their child’s spe­cial day. That is where the Birth­day in a Bag helps out.

As you may see from the pic­ture I took of one of the bags donat­ed to our local Sal­va­tion Army Food Bank, there are sev­er­al items that were pur­chased from the local Dol­lar Store. The cost to equip a birth­day bag is approx­i­mate­ly $10 for us here in Canada.

I choose a colour­ful Hap­py Birth­day gift bag so if a par­ent has a gift for their child, they can make use of it as wrap­ping. Includ­ed in the bag is a gen­der neu­tral child’s birth­day card, birth­day nap­kins, a bag of bal­loons, can­dles, a cake mix and a can of ready made frost­ing. What you choose to include is up to you. I try to keep it simple.

I was asked if a cake pan is pro­vid­ed to bake the cake in. It is not, with the think­ing that a pan of some kind is usu­al­ly avail­able in most kitchens. So…let’s get cook­ing up some great project ideas that Eye of the Tiger Club mem­bers can try out! I look for­ward to fea­tur­ing your good idea on our Project Pos­si­bil­i­ties blog post.

Sub­mit­ted by Julia Levine




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