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Tiger News!

Tiger News!

">Julia Levine | December 2019 | No Comments

Six­teen eager EOT Kiwa­ni­ans were held in rapt atten­tion on Novem­ber 21st as our meet­ing was once again chaired by our Pres­i­dent, Past Inter­na­tion­al Trustee Barb Thomp­son. She greet­ed all and thanked every­one for mak­ing a some­what lat­er meet­ing time. Sev­er­al mem­bers had to send regrets as they were attend­ing oth­er Kiwa­nis func­tions. That we […]

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December Greetings Fellow (e)Tigers!

">Julia Levine | President's Desk December 2019 | No Comments

The Christ­mas Car­ol, writ­ten by British author, Charles Dick­ens, is a pop­u­lar play this time of year. In the play, the Ghost of Jacob Mar­ley vis­its Ebenez­er Scrooge. Mar­ley says, “I wear the chain I forged in life…I made it link by link and yard by yard.” Scrooge protests to Mar­ley, “But you were always […]

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Welcome Back!

">Julia Levine | From the President's DeskNovember | No Comments

Greet­ings, Fel­low (e)Tigers, Wel­come to the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis Club for the 2019–20 Kiwa­nis year. Thank you to return­ing mem­bers for the part that you played in open­ing 434 new clubs in the 2018–19 Kiwa­nis year and 411 new clubs in the 2017–18 Kiwa­nis year and also achiev­ing net growth in that year. […]

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Author and Illus­tra­tor Ash­ley Spires has cre­at­ed a pic­ture book about an unnamed girl and her very best friend, who hap­pens to be a dog.  For those who are strug­gling dur­ing this time of Covid and feel­ing frus­trat­ed in your efforts to achieve your goals, this fun­ny book for young chil­dren offers a per­fect exam­ple of […]

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This month I am rec­om­mend­ing The Unde­feat­ed, by New­bery Award-win­n­ing poet and author Kwame Alexan­der and illus­trat­ed by Kadir Nel­son. The Unde­feat­ed won the 2020 Calde­cott Medal, the 2020 Coret­ta Scott King (Illus­tra­tor) Book Award, and a 2020 New­bery Hon­or. The Unde­feat­ed is a trib­ute to African Amer­i­cans through­out Amer­i­can his­to­ry, from the time of being cap­tured, though […]

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Each of us is strug­gling with stay at home orders. Chil­dren are as well. Par­ents and grand­par­ents may be deal­ing with chil­dren that are lone­ly, bored or unhap­py. The book I am rec­om­mend­ing this month is 100 Things That Make Me Hap­py writ­ten by Amy Schwartz. It is most suit­able for the young ones, ages […]

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This mon­th’s book is Wher­ev­er you go: My love with find you by Nan­cy Till­man. In hon­our of Valentine’s Day, this month I am going to rec­om­mend a Read Aloud for you to share with your son, daugh­ter or grand­child. I just mailed two copies to my grand­ba­bies in Cana­da. Love is the great­est gift […]

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The book I am rec­om­mend­ing to you this month is a sto­ry based upon a true sto­ry. The Grade Twos I read this book to were eager to iden­ti­fy all the ani­mals inside the front cov­er before I began to read the sto­ry. This book is quite time­ly know­ing the ter­ri­ble fires now roar­ing through […]

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EOT mem­ber, Mary Jo Brubak­er, spoke to the club about their 42nd Wool­ly Worm Fes­ti­val in North Car­oli­na. In the Amer­i­can North­east, it is believed that if the wool­ly worm has more brown on its body than black, it will be a fair win­ter. If the wool­ly worm has more black than brown, the winter […]

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As this is the month of Decem­ber, I would like to share one of the best Christ­mas books to read to a child, The Christ­mas Mir­a­cle of Jonathan Toomey. The premise of the book is the clash of inno­cent per­cep­tions of a young boy with the down­cast spir­it of a griev­ing wid­ow­er. The ensu­ing confrontations […]

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