There were 36 members present on their computers or phones for our Kiwanis Eye of the Tiger e‑club meeting held on the evening of April 16th. From California to Jamaica, Ontario to Florida, our club of 56 members strong enjoyed the opportunity to connect once again. With every area of the world confronting the current pandemic, it is good to know that Kiwanians continue to make a difference.
LGE Coleen Lawson-Taylor and husband DPLG Dr. Martin Taylor
We welcomed Coleen Lawson-Taylor, EC&C, Lt. Gov. Designate Div. 25 from Montego Bay, Jamaica to our meeting. Our Past International President Jim Rochford introduced our newest member as an accomplished Club opener in her own right. We are thrilled to have another member of the great District of Eastern Canada and Caribbean joining our club. Coleen believes in our mission to grow Kiwanis.
As well, we are pleased to announce the inclusion of Tommy Mills of the Tallahassee Kiwanis Club. Secretary Alan Guire spoke about Tommy as an energetic Membership Coordinator of the great Florida District of Kiwanis. Tommy will bring his enthusiasm for Kiwanis membership expansion in Florida along with his commitment to making a difference in his community to our club.
Last, but definitely not least, Caesar Milch was introduced by our Treasurer Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer. Caesar is the current President of the Kiwanis Club of Burbank. As a lawyer and an accomplished auctioneer, two attributes he shares with our sage Jim, Caesar is a dedicated member our home CalNevHa District joining a strong west coast contingent in our EOT club.
We have several members that we hope will be on board shortly. They are Past Governor of the New York District, Forbes Irvine, current Governor of Kentucky-Tennessee Kendra Skidmore and Monica Franco of the small but mighty Rocky Mountain District.
We are pleased that the financial review committee has been formed and now in the capable hands of EOT members Armand St. Raymond, Bill Seeman and Dewey Smith. They have set a target date of May 17 to submit their review of our finances to the club board. Thank you to the committee members and treasurer Valarie for keeping us on track.
Speaking of being on track, we will have our Annual General Meeting as a club on May 21st to vote on our Board of Directors for the 2020–2021 year. Our nominating committee comprised of Gary Levine, Joe Meyer and Jim Rochford presented the following slate officers at our meeting for your consideration.
President: Bob Larsen, President-elect: Joe Meyer, Past President: Barb Thompson, Secretary: Alan Guire, Treasurer: Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer, Directors: Katrina Baranko, Mary Jo Brubaker, Carson Schreiber, Sage: Jim Rochford. Other nominations are accepted up to and from the floor on May 21st.
Our EOT Club is hoping to have representation from every District to promote our message that it is vital to open new clubs and encourage membership minded members to seek leadership roles. Beyond North America, only Malaysia is represented internationally.
North American Districts Needing Representatives
Upcoming Birthdays!
Birthday best wishes go out to several of our Eye of the Tiger Club members. Belated best wishes to Melissa Guire on April 11th, Joe Meyer on the 21st, followed by Bert West on the 22nd. Audrey Gibbons and Colleen Lawson-Brown will share the blessings of another year on the 27th of April. May the year ahead be happy and healthy for each of you!
Current Board of Directors for 2019–2020
President: Dr. Barb Thompson
President-Elect: Dr. Bob Larsen
Secretary: Alan Guire
Asst. Secretary: Julia Levine
Treasurer Dr. Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer
Past President: Gary Levine
Sage: Jim Rochford
Board of Directors: Katrina Baranko, Joe Meyer, Carson Schreiber
Please mark your calendar for for our next meeting at 7 pm. EST.
To help out your easily distracted EOT newsletter editor… please send committee reports, pictures and ideas to me, Julia Levine. That really helps me out. Thank you
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