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Speakers Corner July 2020

Speaker’s Corner!

">Julia Levine | Speakers Corner July 2020 | No Comments

Aman­da Mali­nows­ki, one of our newest Eye of the Tiger mem­bers, and Chair of the Kiwa­nis Club of Tam­pa’s Duck Race was our speaker.

As with every­thing in the year of the pan­dem­ic, fundrais­ing projects have had to be can­celled or recon­sid­ered in a new way. The club had to can­cel their golf tour­na­ment and their fundrais­ing BBQ is still uncer­tain, but the needs in the com­mu­ni­ty are still great. With that in mind, Aman­da and a team of ded­i­cat­ed Kiwa­ni­ans decid­ed to try a vir­tu­al duck race.

With the pow­er of social media, pre­vi­ous donor lists, the gen­eros­i­ty of spon­sors, the Tam­pa Kiwa­ni­ans set out to have thou­sands of ducks adopt­ed pri­or to the race on Sat­ur­day, July 25th. Any­one could watch the vir­tu­al race live via Face­book Live or on YouTube Live to see who won.

The Kiwa­nis Eye of the Tiger E Club was proud to sup­port the Incred­i­ble Duck Race as a team effort. While we did not win this year, we hope every­one will flock to par­tic­i­pate next year. Get quacking!

We thank Aman­da for her instruc­tion­al pre­sen­ta­tion and hope her Kiwa­nis Club of Tam­pa had a very suc­cess­ful Duck Race this year despite all the chal­lenges it pre­sent­ed. You made a splash!