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The Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis Club

In our 2017 — 2018 Kiwa­nis year, under the lead­er­ship of then Inter­na­tion­al Pres­i­dent, Jim Rochford, we broke an almost 30 year mem­ber­ship decline with the open­ing of 415 new Kiwa­nis clubs and a glob­al net increase in mem­ber­ship. A lot of Kiwa­ni­ans from all over the world put in time and ener­gy to bring about this suc­cess. Even at that, it did­n’t hap­pen by acci­dent. It hap­pened because of devel­op­ing process affec­tion­ate­ly referred to as The Eye of the Tiger.

In the 1982 film, Rocky III, Rocky Bal­boa comes back to regain his title by first becom­ing laser focused on win­ning his match. He must put all else aside and devel­op an eye like the tiger on a hunt. He does, and he wins. In the Kiwa­nis world of new club open­ing we, too, must put aside dis­trac­tions and approach our task with the sin­gle mind­ed focus of a tiger on the hunt. We must devel­op our eye of the tiger. By doing so, and fol­low­ing the steps that  have been doc­u­ment­ed to suc­ceed, we too will fin the fight against a declin­ing mem­ber­ship. We have. We are. And will will.

At the end of that Kiwa­nis admin­is­tra­tive year, in part to com­mem­o­rate our suc­cess, we formed this eye of the tiger vir­tu­al Kiwa­nis club. Made up of club open­ers all over the world our goals are:


    1. Open a new Kiwa­nis club at the site of an Inter­na­tion­al Convention
    2. Men­tor Kiwa­ni­ans how to open new Kiwa­nis clubs
    3. Devel­op lead­ers at Dis­trict and inter­na­tion­al Lev­el in the cul­ture of grow­ing Kiwanis
    4. Do a large scale ser­vice project

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