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Take Time To Read!

Take Time To Read!

As this is the month of Decem­ber, I would like to share one of the best Christ­mas books to read to a child, The Christ­mas Mir­a­cle of Jonathan Toomey. The premise of the book is the clash of inno­cent per­cep­tions of a young boy with the down­cast spir­it of a griev­ing wid­ow­er. The ensu­ing con­fronta­tions are humor­ous and poignant.

It is a touch­ing sto­ry that cap­tures the beau­ty of the sea­son as seen through the eyes of a young child. It is a book that high­lights the trans­for­ma­tion of a man dis­il­lu­sioned with every­thing to grad­u­al­ly find­ing the joy of life. 

The real­is­tic, beau­ti­ful­ly drawn illus­tra­tions make it a believ­able tale. If there is no child to read to, I sug­gest you read this one to your­self. You won’t be sor­ry you did.

While many of us may have dif­fer­ent tra­di­tions and cel­e­bra­tions, our hope is that we all find joy in this hol­i­day season.

Mer­ry Christ­mas or Hap­py Hanukkah to all!

Julia Levine


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