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A Book Bonanza!

A Book Bonanza!

">Julia Levine | February Service | No Comments

Many of you have asked for infor­ma­tion about order­ing books to dis­trib­ute to your local schools. Doug Chad­wick has kind­ly shared the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion. The aver­age retail costs of these books are approx­i­mate­ly $10 each. They are not Scholas­tic Books but are from pub­lish­ers like Dis­ney and Houghton and Mif­flin. We can­not source spe­cif­ic titles as we […]

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Tiger News!

">Julia Levine | February Tiger News | No Comments

There were 23 Mem­bers present on our EOT con­fer­ence call held on Jan­u­ary 16th. We are look­ing for­ward to our next con­fer­ence call when our Cal-Nev-Ha Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nor for Divi­sion 18, Ramon Rivera, will be our guest speak­er. Speak­ing of speakers…PIP Jim Rochford gave a rous­ing mem­ber­ship speech to a packed house at the Kiwanis […]

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

">Julia Levine | February President | No Comments

I hope that you had a won­der­ful Jan­u­ary and sur­vived the win­ter weath­er if you live where it is cold and snowy or enjoyed the warmth if you live where it is warm and sun­ny. I am wish­ing you a joy­ful Valentine’s Day ahead! Spring is just around the cor­ner; Punx­sutawney Phil, the weath­­er-pre­­dic­t­ing ground­hog from […]

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This mon­th’s book is Wher­ev­er you go: My love with find you by Nan­cy Till­man. In hon­our of Valentine’s Day, this month I am going to rec­om­mend a Read Aloud for you to share with your son, daugh­ter or grand­child. I just mailed two copies to my grand­ba­bies in Cana­da. Love is the great­est gift […]

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